NexTD – Explosion Proof on-line monitor for produced water and dirty water processes
Protecting the environment from unwanted hydrocarbon discharges, protecting sensitive water treatment systems from unwanted oil contamination and 24/7 monitoring of industrial processes to prevent upsets has been the sole purpose of Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments and its team for over 20 years. Continuous improvement of field measurement, ease of use and reliability has led to the development of our NexTD oil in water monitor. It uses a non-purged explosion proof / flame proof enclosure in 316 stainless or aluminum to CID1 and CI Zone1. The new generation oil in water monitor grew out of the popularity of our industry standard TD-4100 XD E09 powered products and the need to deploy where purge air for explosion protection was not available.
All NexTDs use our popular “E09” firmware package and on-board data logger. See the E09 data sheet for details. They are Ethernet and wireless capable and now are available with more optical choices and configurations for added field flexibility and new applications.
For more information see the Technical Data Sheet.