TD-5100 – Scrubber Wash Water Overboard Discharge Monitor
Marine Exhaust Gas Scrubbing systems for Heavy Fuel Oil burning ships are becoming main stream with various configurations including open loop, closed loop and hybrid systems. Oxides of Sulfur and Nitrogen along with particulates and unburned hydrocarbons are removed into the very high volumes of wash water sprayed into the exhaust scrubber system. The wash water can be a combination of seawater with a natural buffer capacity and/or fresh water with buffer added to neutralize the acids formed when sulfur contacts the water. The contaminated wash water is then discharged directly to the sea or contained and treated before discharge depending on the system and the specific rules that apply to that situation. With the exhaust contaminants then contained in the water phase, the environment must be protected from abnormally high discharges.
For more information see the Technical Data Sheet.